Critical Friends MAG Visit

On Saturday, March 9th, 2019 members of the Horizons at Warner Critical Friends mentoring program met at the Memorial Art Gallery to enjoy an afternoon together. Five mentees from Horizons joined their mentors in a guided tour of the MAG. Our docent provided in-depth explanations of the artwork and the history behind each piece. One piece, in particular, a bronze replica of Harriet Tubman, challenged the group to make connections between the art and the true story of Harriet Tubman. Both mentors and mentees agreed that the highlight of the trip was watching “Lessons of the Hour” by Isaac Julien. This modern media art form was a film on the work of Frederick Douglass, which challenged our senses. We watched ten screens provide visual art portraying the life, work, and activism of Frederick Douglass.  Our docent said it was an experience in history, art, film, poetry, and modern day media innovation all in one. We all agreed it was just simply AMAZING! Thank you to the Memorial art gallery Staff for providing us with a great experience and a special thanks to our mentor Anne Konar for providing the admission and snacks. We had a great time.