Dean Marri has a conversation with Horizons Students

The Dean of the Warner School speaking with a young student at a table in the classroom

Dean Anand Marri of the Warner School came to visit the Teacher Assistants in Training at Horizons today! The TAITs are 9th graders who have gone through the K-8 program already.

The Dean of the Warner school speaking with a table of young students The Dean of the Warner School speaking with a young student at a table in the classroom

Members of the TAIT program are present across the six weeks of program, observing and assisting in assigned classrooms each morning as part of the teacher team, receiving pertinent life skills training from their co-directors each afternoon, and directing activity during Healthy Hero time at the end of each day.

Today Dean Marri spoke with the students about higher education, how it works, why it’s important, and how to get it. The TAITs asked questions they really cared about, how to pay for school, why do they have to pay for college and not high school, how different schools operate and more.

The Dean of the Warner school speaking with a table of young students The Dean of the Warner school speaking with a table of young students

The students also had a lot of great questions and concerns about the future of work (robots taking over) and how they’re going to fit into that future. Dean Marri emphasized getting ahead of technology by learning how to program that technology.

The Dean of the Warner school speaking with a table of young students The Dean of the Warner school speaking with a table of young students

Students who were interested in teaching themselves someday asked Dean Marri about teaching styles, and expressed some worry about being “too strict.” The Dean told them a lot of the time strict teachers are the best because they care more and told the students about his experiences at going private schools to illuminate how different that is from the experiences they’ll be going through.

We’re so thankful and appreciative he took the time to come speak with our students.