Shared Resources

Benefit from the distributed expertise of the diverse members of our LiDA community, as they share their work and strategic resources they have found useful.  Also consider contributing to this section by completing the online form here or at the top of each page.

professor working with students around a table with laptops

Working Groups

Here we showcase groups that are working together on a LiDA-related topic (whether they refer to themselves as a research group, study group, working group or using other terms). Each entry provides information about the group composition and what they have been working on, with links to additional artifacts.

syudents working in computer lab with teacher looking on


Learn about projects undertaken by members of our LiDA community to inform your own work and to identify potential collaboration opportunities with like-minded people. Here you can find a list of current and completed projects, along with a brief description, key accomplishments to date, potential for collaboration and links to additional information.

teacher smiling as he interacts with two students

Our Work Products

The work of members of our LiDA community has resulted in a variety of “products” we can all benefit from – including traditional publications, podcasts, videos, blogs, instructional materials and more. This section provides information about these products as shared by their author(s) – along with a link to the product itself whenever possible.

student working in recording studio


There is so much we can learn from the stories of fellow educators who have engaged in digitally-rich educational initiatives – whether they were successful or not. As a start and as inspiration, we have collected a few short videos of novice online instructors and students reporting on their first online experiences. With your help, we plan to add more stories – both in video and narrative formats – relating to other aspects of Learning in the Digital Age in the near future.

Hands holding an ipad

Internet Resources

The Internet offers a wealth of information related to Learning in the Digital Age – but how do you know what sources are trustworthy and worthwhile? This section offers links to websites, blogs, podcasts and other online resources that members within our LiDA community have identified as especially helpful to their work.

teachers in professional development working at ipads


Here we provide a list of conferences and other recurring events that LiDA community member go to, to invite you to consider whether you would like to participate in these events. Each entry provides a brief description of the event along with a link to its related website.

speaker in front of room with screen dispaly


There are many professional organizations that focus on selected aspects of Learning in the Digital Age, and even more that address LiDA topics within broader educational areas. Belonging to these intellectual and professional communities can help you sustain your work. Here we identifies organizations some members of our LiDA community belong to – also providing some information about conferences, events and journals these organizations may offer.

students using ipads in classroom

Publication Venues

What journals and other venues are available for disseminating research findings and lessons learned on issues related to Learning in the Digital Age? This section shares where members of our LiDA Community have published their work, while also providing links to available information about a more extensive list of journals related to technology and education and their impact factors.


As the coronavirus pandemic is requiring many instructors to teach remotely with minimum preparation, many organizations have been creating online resources to support this work. In this section we showcase a short selection of sites that we have found particularly valuable.