URVentures Intellectual Property and Commercializing Technology Lecture Series

Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Noon–1 p.m.

Gowen Room, Wilson Commons, 2nd floor

Software and Open Source Software

This is a very practical presentation on how to best use software, understanding licensing terms, avoiding infringement and other related issues. Along with more general issues, there is coverage for those that write software, with a particular emphasis on open source software and the risks it can entail, including viral software licenses, limitations on use, etc. The presentation is intended for a much broader audience then just software engineers. Anyone that will encounter software in management or R&D will find useful insights.

Reid Cunningham, Intellectual Property Attorney, UR Ventures

The Sessions and lunch are free of charge, however RSVPs are required. Please RSVP by Friday, April 10 to Kelly Smith at: kelly.smith@rochester.edu.