Informational Session for Assistant Professors

Friday, May 5, 2017
8:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.

Frederick Douglass Building, Room 401

The session will include an overview, resources, and tips for successful proposal development and submission to the multiple funding sources, including NIH and NSF’s most prestigious programs for junior faculty.

The session will feature a panel of recent UR faculty were awarded foundational and federal young investigator/early career awards, and also those who review for the NSF CAREER program.

Please join us and avail yourself to the expertise UR has to offer!

Space is Limited. Please RSVP to Paula Losey by 05/02/2017.

Questions? Contact Cindy Gary or Debra Haring, Assistant Deans for Grants and Contracts.

Guide for Faculty Young Investigator Opportunities

Young Investigator Workshop PowerPoint (PDF)

Young Investigators Faculty Workshop (YouTube)