Donuts and DOD

Tuesday, May 23, 2017
10 a.m.–11:30 a.m.

Hawkins-Carlson Room, Rush Rhees Library

An Overview of How the Department of Defense Funds Science and Technology

Come learn the ins and outs of how to successfully compete for DOD funds for your research.

Presented by:
Lewis-Burke Associates LLC
Leland Cogliani
Michael Ledford
R. Reed Skaggs, PhD

RSVP by May 19th to Laurie Chiumento, Director of Federal Relations at or (585) 273-5955.

Sponsored by: the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Research; Arts, Sciences and Engineering; and the Office of Government and Community Relations.

Download the Flyer (PDF)

DOD 101 (PDF)