Annual NSF CAREER Bootcamp 2018

Friday, June 1, 2018
Noon–1:30 p.m.

University of Rochester, Wegmans Hall Room 1201

June 1 – Kickoff, Overview and key FAQs (Wendi Heinzelman, Andrew White)

June 7 –  Project Summary, Research Plan vs Education Plan Emphasis and Tips (Gonzalo Mateos, Nick Vamivakas)

June 14 –Broadening Participation, Letters (Anthony Plonczynski/Kearns Center, Doug Kelley)

June 21 – Budget, Budget Justification (John Criswell, Ehsan Hoque)

June 28 –Content Peer Reviews, Project Summary (TBD NSF CAREER Panel Reviewers, 1-on-1 external reviews)


The solicitation is the same as last year – key dates are below for submission:

NSF CAREER Program Announcement


  Deadline: BIO, CISE, EHR – July 18, 2018; ENG – July 19; GEO, MPS, SBE – July

Funding: The CAREER award, including indirect costs, is expected to total a minimum of $400,000 for the 5-year duration, with the following exceptions: Awards for proposals to the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO), the Directorate for Engineering (ENG), or the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) are expected to total a minimum of $500,000 for the 5-year duration.

Synopsis: All CAREER proposals should describe an integrated path that will lead to a successful career as an outstanding researcher and educator. NSF recognizes that there is no single approach to an integrated research and education plan, but encourages all applicants to think creatively about the reciprocal relationship between the proposed research and education activities and how they may inform each other in their career development as both outstanding researchers and educators.



Also note

NSF CAREER Webinar General – registration required

May 15 1-3:00 PM EST

The NSF CAREER Coordinating Committee hosts a webinar to answer participants' questions about development and submission of proposals to the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER). The webinar will give participants the opportunity to interact with members of the NSF-wide CAREER Coordinating Committee in a question-and-answer format. In preparation for the webinar, participants are strongly encouraged to consult material available on-line concerning the CAREER program. In particular, the CAREER program web page has a wealth of current information about the program, including:

  • CAREER program solicitation NSF 17-537;
  • FAQs about the CAREER program; and
  • Slides from a CAREER program overview