STEM Informational Session for Young Investigators

Thursday, June 7, 2018
11:30 a.m.–2 p.m.

University of Rochester, Frederick Douglass Building, Feldman Ballroom B&C

The session will include an overview, resources, and tips for successful proposal development and submission to the multiple funding sources, including foundational and federal sponsors’ (e.g., NIH, NSF, DOE, DoD) most prestigious programs for junior faculty.

The session will feature a panel of University of Rochester faculty who recently were awarded young investigator/early career awards, and also those who review for young investigator programs.

A resource you may find helpful:

Guide for Faculty Young Investigator Opportunities

Lunch is provided. Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions. RSVP to Toni Heininger at Space is limited so please RSVP by 6/4/18.