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          DEGREE IS

          MORE THAN A


          IT’S A MARK OF


          SHARED WITH                                          ‘People knew my name right away’

                                                               Silvia Quijada ’19S (MBA) grew up in Baha, a small
          MORE THAN 16,000                                     town that borders California and Mexico. She attended
                                                               elementary school in Mexico and high school in the
          ALUMNI AROUND                                        United States. She then went to a large, public university.
                                                               For business school, Quijada knew she wanted a collegial
          THE WORLD.                                           environment where she could get to know her professors
                                                               and classmates.

                                                               While researching schools, the Simon Business School
                                                               invited Quijada to Rochester for an “Experience Simon”
          Grounded in economics, Simon trains leaders
                                                               weekend. During that visit, something caught her
          and helps them gain clarity to solve the
                                                               attention. “People knew my name right away,” she says.
          toughest business challenges. Our data-driven       “That impressed me.” So did seeing the caliber of her
          approach is in high demand. It defines the           potential classmates.

          Simon experience and forms the basis for the         After that immersive weekend, Quijada made up her
          school’s suite of management programs.               mind to attend Simon.

          This includes Simon’s trailblazing STEM-             At first, Quijada thought she would pursue a career in
                                                               the consumer packaged goods industry, but Simon’s
          designated degrees, the first in the nation
                                                               strong foundation in finance and data analytics
          offered across all specializations. Today, more
                                                               prompted new interests. Today, she is a marketing
          than ever, a Simon education gives students          manager for the Capital Group, a Los Angeles-based

          a competitive edge in the job market and the         asset management group.
          skills they need to innovate and excel.              Quijada is grateful for receiving the Ain Entrepreneurial

                                                               Scholarship, a Forté Foundation fellowship, and a
          We are poised to do even more in the
                                                               Consortium fellowship. She also notes the important role
          next decade. Our goal: to prepare the                that Simon’s professors, the Benet Career Management

          next generation of business leaders and              Center, and the alumni community played in her
          entrepreneurs to drive decisions and adapt to        professional growth. “Everything I experienced at Simon
                                                               led me to where I am today,” she says.
          change in a global business environment.
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