Rochester Review, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
University of Rochester

University of Rochester




Harold Kruger '41M (Mas) (see '96 undergraduate).


50TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


45TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


Hank Skehan '56 (River Campus) writes that he and Bob ("Doc") Jensen "crewed a Passport '40 from the Bahamas to Annapolis 'around' Cape Hatteras in April. Doc's APOLLO GPS from his flying hobby made navigation a snap! Doc was an 'Iron Man.'"


40TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


C. McCollister Evarts (MD) received an honorary doctor of humane letters in May from Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa. Evarts is chief executive officer, senior vice president for health affairs, and dean of the college of medicine at Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of Pennsylvania State University. . . . Seymour I. Schwartz (Res) in May received the Solomon A. Berson Medical Alumni Achievement Award in Clinical Science from the New York University School of Medicine Alumni Association. The award describes Schwartz, who is professor and chair of the Department of Surgery at the University's School of Medicine and Dentistry, as "the very model of an academic surgeon."


Curt Nelson (PhD), '72M (MD) (see '89 River Campus undergraduate).


25TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


20TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


Allen Power (MD), '83M (Res) (see '76 undergraduate).


15TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


10TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


Sarah Whitman (MD), '93M (Res) writes that she and her husband Abraham Witonsky "are the proud (and tired) parents of Lauren Marie, born on April 30th at 9 lbs., 12 oz."


Wendy Weitzman Cohen (Mas) (see '87 undergraduate). . . . Deborah Crews Long (Mas) (see '76 undergraduate). . . . Wanda Ronner (Res) is co-author of The Empty Cradle: Infertility in America from Colonial Times to the Present, published by Johns Hopkins University Press in March. Ronner is an obstetrician-gynecologist at Pennsylvania Hospital and assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. She co-wrote the book with her sister, Wanda Ronner, a professor of history at Temple University.


5TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


Pasquale Iannoli (MD) (see '90 undergraduate).


Bob Hilt (MD) (see '93 nursing).

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Last updated 9-9-1996      (jc)