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Fall 2002
Vol. 65, No. 1

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Class Notes--Undergraduate


Joseph Adler was promoted to full professor of religious studies at Kenyon College. He has taught at the college since 1987.


Our apologies to Martha Hollander Marsh, whom we should have noted was promoted to president and CEO of Stanford Hospital & Clinics in Stanford, Calif. . . . James Moloshok was appointed senior vice president of the media and information division at Yahoo! Inc. He had previously spent 11 years at Warner Bros. as cofounder and president of Warner Bros. Online.


OCTOBER 11-13, 2002

Thomas Bonfiglio writes that his second book, Race and the Rise of Standard American, was published this year. It examines the effect of race consciousness on the pronunciation of American English. . . . Bradford Miller was appointed college advisor at Allendale Columbia School in Rochester. . . . Mara Sapon-Shevin '77 (PhD), professor in the school of education at Syracuse University, received a Vision Fund Grant to work on a faculty-student initiative to extend antiracism work on the campus.


Joseph Dimino was named senior general counsel with responsibility for corporate matters at Norfolk Southern Corp. of Norfolk, Va. . . . Mary-Frances Smith Winters '82S (MBA), senior trustee at the University and president and CEO of the Winters Group, discussed the advantages of a diverse workplace in an article in the March issue of Business Strategies magazine.


Paul Schwartzman '80W (Mas), a mental health counselor from New York who researched juvenile firesetters, was a presenter at the Juvenile Firesetter Awareness seminar in May in Johnstown, Pa. . . . Dell Warnick writes, "Marilyn Giles '72, I have thought of you often over the years. Please contact me so we can catch up and maybe reconnect a little bit." He can be reached at . . . Barry Yarkoni writes that his company, MailersClub (, "is a dot-com survivor and is taking the short-run direct mail business by storm!"


Robin Jacobson runs the literary imprint True North Press, which can be found online at She was also planning to host an online fundraiser for the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, whose headquarters were destroyed on September 11.


Catherine Hess writes that after 14 years, she left her position as the first executive director of the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs of Washington, D.C. Last fall, she became the first recipient of the Dr. Vince Hutchins Partnership Award from the federal Department of Health and Human Services.


OCTOBER 11-13, 2002

Rose Lewis writes that she was appointed manager of media relations at Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass. She previously spent 18 years as a television producer at WCVB-TV in Boston. The author of The New York Times bestselling children's book, I Love You Like Crazy Cakes, the true story of adopting her daughter from China, Rose lives in Needham, Mass.


Robert Bly writes that his 52nd book, The Complete Idiots Guide to Direct Marketing, was published last year, and his most recent book, Become a Recognized Authority in Your Field-in 60 Days or Less, was published earlier this year. . . . Victor Borden is the new vice president of the Association for Institutional Research. An associate vice chancellor for information management and institutional research at Indiana University-Purdue University and an associate professor of psychology, he has worked in the association since the early '90s. . . . John Busillo writes that his son, Eric, is a National Merit finalist and is hoping to attend Rochester in the Class of '06. John has been in the automobile retail field since graduation and is now general manager for Meissner Chevrolet-Oldsmobile in Philadelphia. He writes, "Classmates, especially Morgan 5 hallmates, can e-mail me at" . . . Andrew Sommers writes that he is enjoying his 18th year of partnership with his father at Sommers & Sommers L.L.P., an Albany law firm. He spoke at a Lorman seminar for lawyers on the topics of child support and custody. He was also appointed to a part-time position as a vehicle and traffic prosecutor for the Town of Colonie, N.Y. "The little bit of free time I have is spent with my wife, Susan, my daughter, Daryl, 14, and son, Sam, 12. Best to all."

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