Mayra Gonzalez ’09


“My parents’ biggest problem is they can’t see me. And sometimes they don’t understand the social aspect of campus. They say, ‘Mayra, we should be able to call you and find you in your room. There’s no reason you should not be.’ And that’s sometimes prevented me from going out. So it’s frustrating until I remember that they’ve never experienced this, and they don’t understand. But this is my chance to grow as a person. I want to know who I am. I have been living under their authority for so long. Now I want to do things my way, and I want to think for myself. I just hope they realize that they can trust me. But because of what they heard about college, they’ve been crazy. ‘Mayra, I don’t want to hear that you’ve been partying!’ When I got into college, they told everyone they met, and people always told them the bad things first: ‘Tell her to stay away from the parties! There’s a lot of drugs and sex going on!’ Why couldn’t they have said something positive?”