University of Rochester
May/June 2007

Rochester Review

Fighting the Flu

Rochester launches new $26 million center to research and combat pandemic flu. By Greg Williams.

Better Vision—Game by Game

Rochester researchers are finding surprising benefits to playing video games. By Jonathan Sherwood.

photo of paul averill

A New Focus

A young alumnus finds motivation in a car accident that left him paralyzed. By David McKay Wilson.

The Humanities Project

The humanities take on new life thanks to a successful initiative in the College. By Kathleen McGarvey.

How to Start a Career

The College's Career Center helps guide students through internships, externships, and other experiences to land that first job. By Enid Arbelo.

Lighting the Way

Rochester's newest academic building—Robert B. Goergen Hall for Biomendical Engineering and Optics—is changing the way faculty and students work and inspiring new ideas for campus construction of the future.

Writer's Block

Two new collections mark the latest in a creative career for a Rochester duo.

Rochester Review for the Web
Editor: Scott Hauser
Web Editor: E.J. Van Lanen
Graphic artist: Steve Boerner

Editorial office: 147 Wallis Hall, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0033
(585) 275-4119 | Fax: (585) 275-0359 | E-mail:

Published six times a year for alumni, students, their parents, and other friends of the University, Rochester Review is produced by the Office of Communications.

Opinions expressed are those of the authors, the editors, or their subjects and do not necessarily represent official positions of the University of Rochester.


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