University of Rochester

Rochester Review
November–December 2008
Vol. 71, No. 2

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Championship Team Lifeline to ‘Millionaires’
studentsON-AIR EXPERTS: Laura Nemeth ’10 of Fairport, N.Y., Eric Keihl ’09 of Livonia, N.Y., and Bill Finan ’11 of Irondequoit, N.Y., prepare to help contestants on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire during a taping of the ABC network game show this fall. The members of Rochester’s national championship College Bowl team were selected to act as one of the show’s “ask the expert” lifelines, a resource that contestants could turn to when they were stuck on one of the game’s multiple choice trivia questions. Connected to the show through an online video link, the Rochester students offered advice to contestants when called upon to help figure out an answer. The episode is expected to air in early 2009.