University of Rochester

Rochester Review
March–April 2014
Vol. 76, No. 4

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ANTHONY AWARD Jane Possee Honored by University
sports_sideLEADER: Jane Possee received the Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award. (Photo: Adam Fenster)

LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT: Jane Possee, a longtime athletics administrator and former women’s basketball, lacrosse, and field hockey coach, received the University’s Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award in February. The award, presented by the Susan B. Anthony Center for Women’s Leadership, recognizes members of the University community who have achieved significant professional stature and have used their experiences and skills to help other women advance as leaders. “We are proud to honor Jane for helping change the landscape for female athletes on our campus and for supporting and guiding countless student athletes over the years,” said Catherine Cerulli, director of the Anthony Center.