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In Review

Match Day: Medicine Meets Meliora

A total of 98 medical students found out this spring where they’ll be spending the next three to seven years of their medical training.

During the annual Match Day, aspiring physicians across the country simultaneously open envelopes that outline where they’ve been assigned for their residencies, the specialized training that students must complete before they can practice medicine.

As part of the process, students visit and interview at hospitals and medical centers throughout the United States in order to refine a list of preferred programs and places. In turn, each institution creates a list of preferred students.

A computer algorithm compares the lists, crunches the numbers, generates millions of possible combinations, and, finally, produces a single choice for each matched student.

Started in 1952 and operated by the nonprofit National Resident Matching Program, the process has matched Rochester medical students with some of the top programs across the country.

Here’s a look at the placements for the past five years.