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Commons GoalsThe former Frederick Douglass Building has been transformed into a new, student-oriented campus hub.
douglassINTERACTIVE SPACES: Students gather in the Fireplace Lounge, a revamped space in Douglass Commons that connects to the Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center and the Language Center, two new areas designed to foster connections and community among students. (Photo: Adam Fenster) More . . .

More Features

  • Commons Goals

    The former Frederick Douglass Building has been transformed into a new, student-oriented campus hub.

  • Bodies of Art

    A pioneering project to create a ‘model human’ is changing the practice of surgery.

  • Signed, Susan B. Anthony

    A ‘stunning discovery’ adds to Rochester’s rich history as home to the women’s suffrage movement.

  • Celebrating Scholarships

    A program recognizes the difference that support for students can make.