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Class Notes

Simon Business School

1971 Ron Gidron (MBA) writes that he celebrated his 70th birthday in spring 2016 with his family on Formentera Island. “All 15 of us showed up, including our son, Alex, who lived then in Chile. The picture shows us enjoying life, near our emblematic ‘lighthouse at the end of the world’ (so-called, based on Jules Verne’s novel). Next celebration will hopefully be our 50th wedding anniversary in 2018!” Ron adds that he’s recorded a two-volume CD, Ebony and Ivory, of his piano compositions. “They are mainly short, pleasant melodies, reflecting my multicultural background and life experiences and sensations, with influences of ancestors (Russia and Poland), birthplace (Israel), residence (Spain), and musical friends (Argentina).” The CD is one of several that Ron has made available for streaming or downloading on platforms such as Spotify and iTunes.

2000 Phyllis Amanda Adams (MBA) has written a novel, The Sangrita Club (220 Communications), under the pen name Amanda Adams. She writes: “I set out to write a nonfiction work about diversity, but ended up writing a novel about diverse women in corporate America who look beyond their differences, celebrate their similarities, and develop a sisterhood. My goal for this book is that it may become a catalyst for women to create a way to escape negative circumstances that inhibit their abilities to become who they are truly meant to be.” Phyllis has worked as an IT executive and management consultant and is an entrepreneur living in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and daughter.

2005 Dmitri Daveynis (MBA) has joined Capsilon Corp., a San Francisco–based digital imaging and data capture company serving mortgage companies, as senior vice president of engineering.

2011 Kyle Stanbro (MBA) has been named a partner in Brook Venture Partners, a Boston–based growth equity firm.