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In Review

CELEBRATING COMMUNITYThree Decades of Wilson Day
wilson (Photo: University Libraries/Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation)

SORTING SERVICE: D’Lions from the Class of 1997—Anne Tam, Niloufer Hanjeebhoy, Kate Peters, and Erica Kuntz Moor—helped sort clothes during the sixth edition of Wilson Day in the fall of 1994. Part of orientation activities since 1988, the day celebrates its 30th anniversary in August. That’s when about 1,300 members of the Class of 2022 will fan out into the Rochester region for what is now called the Wilson Day of Engagement. Named in honor of Xerox founder Joseph Wilson ’31, the day was the brainchild of then sophomore Theresa Guenther ’90 and continues to be organized by students. The day also served as a catalyst for a Global Day of Service for alumni, which is held this year on September 15. For more: