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SHOW US YOUR TOWNNew York CityThere are lots of reasons New York draws 62.8 million visitors annually. But the 14,000 alumni who call themselves locals know the teeming city as much more than a tourist attraction. By Robin L. Flanigan
townINSIDE VIEW: There are lots of reasons New York draws 62.8 million visitors annually. But the 14,000 alumni who call themselves locals know the teeming city as much more than a tourist attraction. (Photo: Adobe Stock) More . . .

More . . .

  • Meet Your Guides

    The Metro New York City Network Leadership Cabinet plans activities and programs for members of the region’s University community.

  • Like Sharing “an Inside Secret”

    Alumni build strong ties to each other and to Rochester through the Metro New York City Network Leadership Cabinet. The organization, made up of volunteers, helps engage fellow graduates through activities, programs, and opportunities.

Also in Features

  • Committed to Memory

    How does memory shape our sense of who we are?

  • Pitching Politics

    Former presidential speechwriter Curt Smith documents the twinned histories of baseball and the presidency.