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In Review

AR/VRNow Hear, See, and Feel This
photo of student with bank of speakers SOUNDING BOARD: Biomedical engineering graduate student Tom Stoll sits in front of a bank of speakers designed to simulate realistic listening environments. Research using the array, located in a lab run by Ross Maddox, an assistant professor of biomedical engineering, is part of a National Science Foundation–funded project to explore ways to apply augmented and virtual reality in health, education, product design, remote communication, entertainment, and other fields. The multidisciplinary initiative, led by Mujdat Cetin, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, will train up to 62 doctoral students in the skills needed to advance AR/VR technologies. As many as 300 other STEM graduate students at the University will participate in aspects of the training and professional development. Photograph by J. Adam Fenster