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In Review

STUDENT SNAPSHOTSThe Class of 2023 ArrivesMeet a few of the newest undergraduates to join the University community.
class of 2023FAMILY FIRST: The first in her family to attend college, Sanaa Finley ’23 is looking forward to combining her love of music—she plays drums, bass guitar, and ukulele—with her interest in engineering and technology.(Photo: J. Adam Fenster) More . . .

More In Review

  • Electron by Electron

    Rochester researchers are part of a team that has developed a semiconductor chip that uses individual electrons to relay information.

  • Now Hear, See, and Feel This

    Rochester is developing a National Science Foundation–funded project to explore ways to apply augmented and virtual reality across a range of fields.

  • The Class of 2023 Arrives

    Meet a few of the newest undergraduates to join the University community.

  • Discover

    Charter schools, immune cells, methane, and other nrew research.

  • University Notebook

    Cancer leadership, an anniversay theater season, solar power, and other campus news.

  • Reproduction on the Reservation

    Historian Brianna Theobald explores how Native American women resisted federal policies to control their reproductive and family lives.

  • Ask the Archivist

    What secrets does the University’s painting of Azariah Boody hold?

  • Set Points

    Quick Questions: Volleyball Coach Ladi Iya

  • Hall of Fame

    Eight Yellowjackets Named to Hall of Fame