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Class Notes

Warner School of Education

1966 Lois Borland Hart writes: “After my bachelor’s degree, I earned a master’s from Syracuse University and a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts, studying organizational behavior and leadership. Since graduating, I have authored 23 books and tapes, often because there were no resources for what I needed in my training and consulting business. I researched and tested and decided to use this information to write books that would help other people. After moving many times, myself, I recently wrote Moving? Saying Goodbye and Saying Hello (HRD Press) because when we move, our relationships are impacted. I include proven techniques to retain valuable relationships and how to establish new ones in their next location. Books I wrote for professionals include Moving Up! Women and Leadership, The Sexes at Work—Improving Work Relationships Between Men and Women, 50 Activities for Developing Leaders, Learning from Conflict, and others. By the late ’90s I decided to start the Women’s Leadership Institute in Denver, a unique, yearlong program of mentoring, coaching, training, and organizational best practices to prepare more women for business leadership roles. Over the last decade, I shifted my focus to increasing the effectiveness of nonprofits by working with their boards and executive directors. It’s been a joy to help them lead their organizations. I also coach individuals and budding writers.”

1977 Barbara Franchi Osterhout (MS) (see ’72 College).

1992 Rodney Morrison (MS) (see ’91 College).

2015 Emily Hessney Lynch (MS) (see ’12 College). . . . Mike Morone (EdD) writes about an initiative he’s involved with: “I’m working on a twice-annual nationwide recycling event that would result in billions of dollars of items recycled. It’s called ‘Give Your Stuff Away Day’ (, and it would take place on Saturdays in May and September. On those days, homeowners, apartment dwellers, stores, businesses, factories, offices, churches, etc. would place on their curbs whatever they want to donate to others (as long as it’s in decent working condition, safe, and legal). Then the fun starts—everyone walks or drives around picking up all kinds of free items—kind of like Halloween. A few communities across the country and overseas have been doing this with success, most notably Winnipeg, Canada.” An estimated $5 million dollars worth of items were donated and recycled in Winnipeg last September. . . . Bridgette Yaxley (MS) writes that she won the best original screenplay award at the Burbank International Film Festival and was nominated in the same category at the Orlando Film Festival and the Richmond International Film Festival. Bridgette has been cast in Rochester-area TV commercials by Rochester Regional Health and Paychex and as an extra in a feature film and TV pilot. “I love acting, too,” she writes, “because it provides a great idea, when I’m screenwriting, of how long scenes need to be. I gain so much from being on set and visualizing how the whole dynamic comes together.”

2019 Robert Snyder (EdD) (see ’12 College).