In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

William Dewitt
William DeWitt BS56
Luther Dey BS60
Robert Dey BS69
Morris DeYoung BS72
Walter Diachuk
Michael Diamond BA63
Michael DiCecco
John Dickinson BS58
Paul Dickinson BS67
David Dickover BA68
Joan Dickson BS73 (Shapiro)
Paul Didget BA63 PP99
Susan Diebold BA60 (McDowell)
David Dieter BS61
David Dietz (Dietz)
David Dietz BA55 MD59
James Diez BA65
Jerome Dijak BS71
Judith Dill BA64 (Rogers)
Samuel Dillard
Thomas Dillenburg BA64 MA66
Grace DiNoto (Muratore)
Thomas Dintruff BA57
Barbara DiSalvio
Dominic DiVincenzo BA54 MD58
Krystle Dixon
Ann Dixon BA56 (Leland)
Frank Dixon BS56
James Doan BS58
Ann Doane BS56 (Klefeker)
John Dobberstein BS67
Paul Dobosz (Dobosz)
Daniel Dobranski BS71
Carol Dodge DPL59 (Grounds)
Devere Dodson BS58
Arthur Doege BS60
Sandra Dohm BA62 (Callaway)
Brendan Dolan
Thomas Dolce BS54
Michael Donahue
Joanna Donk BS55 BS56
James Donnelly
Douglas Donofrio
Rae Donoghue b55 (Linehan)
Robert Donough BA69
Michael Donovan
William Dooley BA54
Shirley Doolittle BS53 BS54 (Winfield)
Thomas Dorman BS59
James Dormer BA68
James Dorofy
George Dorosh BS62
N. Richard Dorosin BS63
Sarah Dorscheid BA62
Sylvia Dorschel BS60 (Jumps)
Paul Dorsey
Earl Doser BA56
Billy Dotson BS65
Katherine Douglas
James Douglas BA54 MS60
James Douglass
Kenneth Douglass BS64
Brenda Dow BA61 (Long)
Edward Dowden BS62
Charles Dowling
Frances Dowling BA54 (Rowe)
Jana Downing (Hnilicka)
Francis Drago BS54
Willie Draper BS57
William Drelles
Charles Dresser BS65
Robert Drexler BS54
Mary Drexler BS56 (Hutchinson)
Patricia Dreyfuss BS54 (Gajewski)
Sally Driessen BA54 (Crump)
Eugene Drobny BS69
Charleen Drotning BA58 (Dorwald)
John Drotning BA58
Emma-Jane Drury BS63
Frederick Drury BS63
Frederick Drury BS63
Diane Drysdale (Istvan)
Theodore Dubin BA70
Deborah Dubin BA72 (Levinson)
Bernice Dubin BS70 (Trachtenberg)
Mark Dublin BS69
Thomas Dubois BS73
Anne Duckles
Frederick Duell BA55
Richard Dufresne BS65
Lillian Dujat BA55 (Dalberth)
Dennis Dumais
John Dumas
C. Lorraine Duncan
William Duncan
Peter Duncan BA62
Marian Duncan BS71 (Wells)
Jennifer Dundon
Nicholas Dunkirk

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.