In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Margaret Cochrane BS55 (Dunfee)
Susan Coda DPL59 BS59 (Wederbrand)
David Coene BA64
Charles Coffey
Donald Coffey BS64
Deborah Coggiola (Conklin)
Debra Cohen
Jay Cohen
Margot Cohen
R. Catherine Cohen (Tullsen)
Samuel Cohen
Ann Cohen b62 (Bryce)
Charlotte Cohen BA54 (Bloom)
Tony Cohen BA62
Gerald Cohen BA65
William Cohen BA67
Alan Cohen BA68
Donald Cohen BS55
Susan Cohen BS64 (Clement)
Gale Cohen-DeMarco BA69
Kenneth Cohn BA72 PP12
George Cohoe BM53 BS59 PHD65
Jane Colburn b65 (Fremouw)
Michael Cole BS59
Sharon Cole BS59 (FitzSimons)
Charmaine Cole BS60 (Morton)
Kathleen Cole-Raymond BS70 (Corning)
Robert Colebeck BS56
Harold Coleman (Coleman)
Roy Coleman (Coleman)
Thomas Coleman BS62
Leonard Coleman BS65
Allan Coleman BS68
Ralph Coleman BS71
Ruth Collier BS54 BS55 (Richardson)
David Collins BA60
Jackson Collins BA71
Bonnie Collipp BS57 (Lau)
Albert Colman BS55
Carol Cologgi BS58 (Magill)
Richard Cologgi BS59
Gina Colombo BA59 (Tomaselli)
Germaine Colvin BS70 MA72
Roy Combs BA57
Stephen Combs BA71 BS71
James Comerford BS65
Rita Comey
Phillip Compeau BA67
Michele Compertore (Rose)
Robert Comstock BS56
Richard Comstock BS58
Frank Comstock BS59
Philip Condax BA57
Albert Conderacci BS58
Robert Cone BS57
Timothy Congdon BS65 PP12
Martin Conheady BS55 MA69
Gerald Conley BA72
James Conlon
Alexander Conn
Michael Conner BA58
Harry Conner BS63
Robert Connolly
Bruce Connolly BS62
Lewis Connolly BS63
John Connor BS71
Richard Conrad BS57
James Consaul
Geoffrey Considine
Stephen Constantine BS70
Frank Conte BS61
Francis Contestabile BS70
Lawrence Contois BS59
Bruce Contreras
Reginald Conway BS60
Zachary Cook
Paula Cook BA58 (Bochnak)
David Cook BA61 MD65
Richard Cook BS56
William Cook BS56
Harriet Cook BS72 (Herendeen)
Edward Cook BS73
Charles Cooke BS59
Beatrice Cookson BS56 (Dailey)
Richard Cooley BA62
Florence Coomber b56 (Colwell)
Paul Coombs BA55
Neal Coombs BS56
Agnes Coon BS70
Bernard Coons BS62
Emily Cooper (Binger)
Sandra Cooper (McLaws)
Patricia Cooper BA61 (Smith)
Gerald Cooper BA67
Susan Cooper BA67 (Jack)
Theresa Cooper BS55 BS56 (Bagnara)
Dorothy Copeland BS59 (Young)
Ronald Coplon BS56
Joseph Cordaro BA63
Luciano Cordaro BS63

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.