In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Kathleen Chandler BS73 (Root)
Chun-Pu Chao
Calvin Chapman (Chapman)
Peter Chapman
Janice Chapman BA56 (Fishbaugh)
Neil Chapman BS57
Richard Chapman BS61
Robert Chapman BS61
Brenda Chapman BS63 (Fleet)
Oksana Charchalis BS70 (Markus)
David Chard BA63
David Charmak
Helene Charron BS64 MS66 (Shetler)
Harold Chase BS59 MA60
Gareth Chasey BS62
Gertrude Cheatham BS54 BS55 (Ulrichs)
Lynne Check BA66 (Zegiob)
Wendell Chee
Wing Cheng
Paul Cherkasky b61
Carol Cherkasky BS59 (Libglid)
Richard Chernosky
Erwin Cherovsky BA55 PP92
John Cherry BS70 MBA85
Robert Chiarello (Chiarello)
Mary Chiariello
Roger Chidester BS71
Pamela Child BA72
S. Eric Childs BA67
Ronald Chiles
James Chin
Samuel Chionuma
Darlene Chiszar
Charles Chodak
Gerald Chodak BA69
Lawrence Choice BS67
Michael Chopek (Chopek)
Pawlo Choroszylow
Arnold Chow
Patricia Christensen BS56 (Wood)
Robert Christensen BS58
Nelson Christiansen
Colleen Christie
Audrey Christman BA71
Catherine Christman BS64 (Livadas)
Douglas Christo BS71
Nancy Church BA61 (Byam)
Thomas Ciambrone BS56
Stephen Cianca
James Cianci (Cianci)
John Cianciosi BA56
Margaret Ciccarelli b54 PP94 (Croco)
Raymond Ciccariello
Andrew Cieminis BS64 MA66
Lesley Cimino (Argus)
Joanne Cimino BS56 (Campanella)
John Cinelli
George Cinney
Celeste Cipro BA72
Louis Cipro BS55
Molly Ciri BA62 (Gordon)
Colette Cirillo
Joseph Citro BA62 MA64 EDD73 PP93
John Citrolo BS56
Leonard Ciufo BS64
Andrew Ciulla BS60
Vincent Ciulla BS63
Charles Cladel BS61
Gerald Claflin BA63
Gary Clairemont BS57
Hortense Clancy BS69
Sarah Clapper BA72 (Bogue)
John Clarey BA70 PP95
Charles Clark
Mary Clark
Janet Clark b60 (Alexander)
John Clark b64
Robert Clark BA55
Jane Clark BA57 (Anderson)
Davis Clark BA57 MD67 RES72
M. Dale Clark BM48 MM57 BS62
Katherine Clark BS62 MS77 (Poncavage)
William Clark BS67
Katherine Clark BS67 MA71 (Heinrich)
Bruce Clark BS72
Michael Clarke
Robert Clarke BA70
Carl Clarke BS62
Robert Clarke BS63
Joyce Clausen BS63 MA65
Steven Clay BA69
Glenn Claytor BS63
Robert Clifford BS72
Nye Clinton BS63
Garry Clock BA70
Antonie Close BS70 (Langr)
Ann Clough BS57 (Vonderahe)
Charles Coates BS60
George Cobb BS57
Patricia Coburn BA60 (Eddy)

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.