In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Margaret Green (Reamer)
William Green BA56
Martha Green BA57 (Mackie)
Robert Green BA71
Barbara Green BS61 (Long)
Donald Green BS64
Gerald Greenberg BA54
Susan Greenberg BA68 (Paris)
Lorna Greenberg BS59 (Lipson)
Virginia Greenblatt BS70 (Dobbie)
Gary Greene
Melissa Greene
Robert Greene
Elwood Greene BA69 PP06
Simone Greene BS55 (Blumenthal)
Burton Greene BS65
Daniel Greene BS73
Martin Greenfield
James Greenfield BA57
Sarah Greenfield BA59 (Curtice)
John Greever BS70
Kathleen Grega BS66
James Gregg (Gregg)
F. Gilbert Gregory (Gregory)
Philip Gregory
Martin Greifinger BA62
Edward Grenier BS64 MS72
John Greppin BA61
James Greppin BS66
John Grier
Elizabeth Gries BS51 BS56 (Mayer)
John Griffin BA56
Susan Griffin BA56 (Bartlett)
Ruth Griffin BA59 (Castleman)
John Griffin BS54
Carl Griffith BA68
Thomas Griffith BS56
Lois Griffiths BA56 (Karmin)
Barbara Grignol (White)
Frances Griles
Michael Grimes BA70
Galen Grimma BS56
James Grissom BA56
Burton Griswold BS61
Charles Grizzanti
Carrie Groppe BS56 (Shaw)
Stephen Grosberg BS56
Paul Gross
Walter Gross BA71
Robert Grossberg
Marni Grossfeld
Rena Grossman BA64
Ronald Groth
Lois Groth BS56 EDM58
Richard Groth BS63
Michael Groth BS64
Adrian Grubs (Grubs)
Francis Gruenauer BS54
Franc Grum BS58 MS62
Morris Gruver BS56
Anthony Guarino BS57
William Guche BA60
Frances Guempel b58 (Gartland)
Thomas Guerdat BA57
Rainer Guggenheim BA54
Nancy Gugino BS61 (Green)
Carol Guilbert BS70 (Barley)
William Guiney (Guiney)
Gordon Gulick BS61
Joseph Gullo BA54
Laura Gunby
Jane Gunn BS60 (Lefever)
Paul Gunther BA72
Karl Gunther BS60
Natalie Guran BS57 (Lonkewycz)
Nils Gurdin b72
Barbara Gurnis
Barbara Gustafson BA67 (Gelsinger)
Phyllis Gutheim BS55 MS61 (Bryant)
Christine Guthrie
Irving Guttenberg BA56
Howard Guttenplan BA69
Marion Gutzmer BA59 MA63 (Wehle)
Rudolf Gyr BS55
James Haas BS64
Stanley Haber BS69
James Hadley BA62
Elizabeth Hadley BA73
Donald Hadley BS57
Susan Hadley BS63 (Dehond)
Donald Haefele BA61 MA66
Eva Haelen (Hoy)
John Haelen BS55
Richard Haffen BS63
Janet Hagadorn BA61 (Filsinger)
Maria Hagan
Susan Hagan BA57 (Wilcox)
William Hagedorn BS54
John Hageman BA57
Suzanne Hagen BA65 MSE83 (Alhart)

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.