In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Robert Hersh BA72
Jane Hershey BS56 (Siebert)
Donald Hershey BS68 PP92
David Hershkowitz BS71
Sandra Herskowitz BA70
William Hertzog BS72
David Hesek BA65
William Hesketh BS66
Nancy Hess (Gordon)
Joan Hess BA57 (Grant)
Leona Hess BS54 BS55 (Frost)
Ronald Hess BS58
John Hess BS64
Janet Hess BS69 PP97 (Rabiroff)
Frank Hetherington BA54 EDM64
Ann Hetherington BA55 (Putnam)
Robert Hetrick BS62
John Hetsko BA65
Walter Heumann b72
John Heurtley BS60 PHD66
James Hewitt BA56
Robert Hewitt BS63
Charles Hey BA58
Judy Hey BA59 (Goppelt)
Edward Hicks BA62 MD65 RES69
Barbara Higbee BA68 (Jones)
Elisabeth Higgins BS65 (Planje)
Otis Hightower
Richard Higley BS71
Clement Hilberer BS55
Robert Hilbert BS62 MS64
Dale Hiler BS58
Carol Hilfiker BS60 (Stephens)
Douglas Hill (Hill)
Prudence Hill
Robert Hill BA60
Ann Hill BA63 MA66 (Linscott)
C. Rex Hill BA69
Gladys Hill BS58
Robert Hiller BS63
Janet Hilliard BS61 (Moyer)
Larry Hillman BA68
Patricia Hinckley BS63 (Hager)
Betty Hine BA55
Nellie Hines BS57 (Jones)
Eileen Hinkson BS71 MA76 (Rounds)
Roland Hirsch BA60
Richard Hirsh BA63
Jill Hirsh BA73
Diane Hoag BA69
Raymond Hobart BA69
Marc Hoberman BS70
Neil Hochgraf BS58
Ambrose Hochrein BS62 MS64
George Hodgson BA59
Joan Hoeffel BS56 BS57 (Zabadal)
Yuergen Hoellrich BS73
John Hoenig BS61
Lawrence Hoey BA73
Elizabeth Hoffman
Ruth Hoffman BA54 (Weber)
Richard Hoffman BA55 BM55
Robert Hoffman BA59
Gerard Hoffman BA63
Gordon Hoffman BA63 MS69
Beverly Hoffman BA70 (Keilberg)
J. Nelson Hoffman BS55
Kathryn Hoffman BS58 (Fox)
Philip Hoffman BS58
Bernard Hogan BS59
Russell Hogue BS60
Mary Jo Hohl
Robert Hohlstein BS58
George Holahan BS62 (Holahan)
Mary Holian BS59 (Traver)
William Holland b65
John Holland BA56
William Holland BA57
Richard Holland BA59
Joel Holland BA73 MD77
John Hollenbeck BA57
George Hollenberg BA65
Marion Holliday BS55 (Lopuszynski)
D. Gordon Hollinger BS64 MS81
Bryan Hollis
Cheryl Holloway
Lawrence Holmes BS60 MS64 PHD65
Robert Holmes BS67
Leo Holmsten (Holmsten)
Robert Holroyd BS62
Martha Holstein BA61 (Beller)
S. Joel Holstein BA64
Frederick Holton
Judy Holtz
Kathryn Holyer BS56 (Barnes)
Barbara Homolka BA59 (Hunt)
Tania Homonchuk (Homonchuk)
Kristin Hondorf BS58 EDM61 (Berglund)
Amy Honig
Dawn Hood BA62 (White)

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.