In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Glay Hood BS55
Charles Hood BS61
Robert Hooker b56
Betty Hooker DPL59 (Foster)
Dave Hooper BS69
Elaine Hopkins BS58 (Lamberson)
Bruce Hopkins BS63
Dana Hopkins BS65
Shirley Horbatuck BS54 (Kurucz)
Patricia Horlacher b57 (Heiser)
Robert Horn BS55
Elizabeth Horn BS58 (Agan)
Michael Horner BS70 MA72
Mark Horowitz BA66
Nancy Horton BA62
William Horton BS58
Richard Horvatis
Theodore Horwitz BA63
Crystal Horwitz BA65 (Martin)
Nichola Hosack (Young)
Catherine Hoshor BA67 (Newcomb)
Wanda Hosten BA73
Colette Hotin Pirie b58
Jeannine Houle BS56 (Todd)
Maureen Hourigan BA65 MA67
Josephine House b55 (Tuccio)
Shirley Houston BS65
Dorothy Howald BS64 (Snell)
Carroll Howansky BA54
William Howard BA54
Jane Howard BA59 (Deans)
Richard Howard BA60
G. Michael Howard BS57
David Howard BS60 MBA68
John Howe BA71
Lee Howick BS61
David Howitt BA61
Richard Howk BA64
James Howland BA63
Patricia Hritz BS57 (Magin)
Steve Hromjak BA71 (Hromjak)
Anna Hrycin
Anastasia Hubbard
Sidney Hubbard BA68
John Huckle BA64
William Huddle BA70
Edna Hudson BS67 (Prinzing)
Hugo Huedepohl BS64
Donald Huene (Huene)
Sheryn Huff BS59
Georgann Huff DPL59 (Colwell)
Arthur Hufnagel BS56
Daniel Hughes
William Hughes BA72
John Hughes BS60
Marilyn Hughes BS60 BS61 (Petty)
Bruce Hughner BS70
Richard Hughs BS57
David Hull BS59 PP66
Bonnie Hull BS62 (Palmer)
Barbara Humphreys BA60 (Closs)
Laurel Humphreys BA63 (Jensen)
James Humphreys BS63
Gary Hunt BA55
Robert Huntington (Huntington)
Donald Hunton (Hunton)
Brent Hurd
Jeremiah Hurd
Michael Hurewitz BA65
Nathaniel Hurst (Hurst)
Phyllis Huskey BS57 (Tremaine)
Frederick Hussong BS69
Jean Hutchings BS70 (Kemnitz)
Deane Hutchins (Hutchins)
William Hutchinson BA60
Julie Hwang
William Hyde BA69 PP00
John Hynd BS68
Martin Hynes BS61
Thomas Hyslop (Hyslop)
Isabelle Ianelli BA62 (Wodzynski)
James Iannone
Francis Iannopollo BS59
John Ibach (Ibach)
Robert Ihrig BA57
John Illig
Paul Infantino BS55
Richard Infarinato BS57
Frank Ingenito BS54
Donald Ingerick BS64
Charles Ingersoll BA55
Earl Ingersoll BA60
Barbara Ingersoll BS57 (Flanagan)
Robert Ingersoll BS65 MBA73
Rodney Ingham BS54
Joyce Inglis BA65
William Inglis BS63
Bruce Ingmire BA69
Paul Ingrasci BA54
Zbigniew Inwalski

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.