In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Carol Kenyon BS71 MS76 PHD86 (Blanchard)
Hubert Kercheval BA56
Ronald Kern BS67
Peter Kerrigan BA58
Patricia Kesselring BS60 (Dyer)
George Kessler BA56
Lois Kessler BS58 (Prothero)
Robert Kessler BS70
Carol Keukelaar BS71 (Kauffman)
Noel Khalil BS73
Shirley Kheel BA66 MA67 (Dungan)
William Kicherer BS66
Edward Kidston
Edward Kidston
Robert Kiebala BA64
Susan Kikuchi BA70
Lisa Kilburne-Huson
Merrill Killick BS55
Peter Kim
Lee Kimbrough BS64
Stephen Kimmel BS52
Edward Kimmel BS61 MS63
Jean Kimmel DPL59 (Walter)
Miriam Kimmelman BA70
Martha Kincaid BA69 (Symonds)
James Kincaid BS55
John Kincaid BS63
Dolores Kindell BS55 (Sanhuber)
Judith Kindley BA61
Nancy Kindling BS55 (Hendrikx)
Jamie King
Jennifer King
John King
Martin King (King)
Patricia King
Patricia King BA56 (Weil)
Susan King BA63 (Goldberg)
Thomas King BA66
James King BS58 MS62
David King BS60
Ralph King BS62
Anne Kingsley b60 (Brizee)
Beverly Kingsley BA59 (Borst)
David Kingston b59
James Kingston BS60
Marilyn Kinney BA57 (Bickle)
Marilyn Kinney BS55 (Close)
James Kinsella BA54
Paul Kintner BS68
Carol Kinzly BS54 (Joustra)
Michael Kirby BA57
Edward Kirby BS63
Jack Kirchner BS54
R. Bruce Kirk BS70
James Kirwin BS61
Gerald Kirwin BS66
Joseph Kish BA56
Sally Kish BA59 (Goulding)
Judith Kish BA63 (Manion)
Robert Kissel
Annalise Kjolhede
John Klahn BA57 MD60
Mona Klahn BA60 BS60 MBA77
Wilfred Klatt BS64
Richard Klaver BS55
Jamie Klayman
Eileen Kleeberg BS61 (Zlotnick)
Elizabeth Kleiber BS54
Richard Klein
Stacey Klein
Gail Klein BA57 (Thomson)
Noah Klein BA61
Alan Klein BA69
John Klein BS55
Raleigh Klein BS66
Gary Klein BS73
Myron Kleinberg BS56 MS59
Garland Kleinstuber BS55 (Grover)
James Kleisle BA56
Thomas Kleman BS54
Helen Klemperer BS57 (Mitlof)
Alan Klempner BA65
C. Melville Kless BS55
Karen Kleve BA63
Michael Kleve BS68
Audrey Kliman BS68 (Emanuel)
James Klimschot
Jan Klippert BA58
Ann Klos BS55 BS56 (McSweeney)
Miriam Kloster
Anna Kloster BS54
Helen Knapp BA54 (Foley)
Ann Knapp BS56 (Dalrymple)
Marianne Knauf BA57 MSE81
Russell Knope BA56
Kenneth Knox BA54
Leslie Knox BS65 MBA74
Wesley Kobylak BA71
Thomas Koch BA55 MA58
Jane Koch BS63 (Fersko)

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.