In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

David Jung BA61
Robert Jurgensen BS67
N. Edward Jutras BS72
Alex Jvirblis BS65
John Kaddis
Jeffrey Kaffee BS63
Anne Kahl BA57
George Kahler BA62
James Kahler BS55
Ivan Kahn (Kahn)
Selevastus Kahumabakiiza BS70
Rodney Kaiser BA67
Gerald Kaiser BA71
Millicent Kalaf BA61
Vernon Kalaska BS62
John Kalb
Robert Kalet BA73
Bonnie Kaleta
Robert Kallstrand BS72
William Kammerer BA54
John Kampf BA58
William Kanaley BS64
Douglas Kancler BS73
Irene Kane
Leo Kane BA63
Robert Kane BA66
F. K. Kanikaynar BA59
Roy Kanous BS64
Rebecca Kantor Martin
Jane Kaplan BA57 (Breese)
Edward Kaplan BA58
Fredric Kaplan BA62
William Kaplan BA65
Nancy Kaplan BA67 (Gelberg)
Charles Kaplan BS57
Jerome Kaplan BS59
Susan Kaplan BS67 (Dorfman)
Ronald Kaplin BA57
Amy Karch BS71 PP15 (Morrison)
Diane Karlan-Tate
John Karn BA68
Neal Kaska
Stephen Kasper
Dorothy Kass BS55 BS56 (Guenter)
Karen Kast BA71 (Herbrandson)
Stephen Kastoff BA67
Nancy Kates
Gail Katul BS62 (Say)
Barbara Katz-Gladstone
Lawrence Kauffman BA60
James Kaufman BA55
Diane Kaufman BS58 (Forbes)
Beverly Kaufman BS62 MS88 (Deantonis)
Zoreslava Kaulbach BA65 (Kushner)
Robert Kavee BA56
Carolyn Kaydouh (Edelmann)
Jay Kear b62
Ashenafi Kebede BA62
Everett Keech BA61
Christopher Keefe
Dorothy Keefe BS58 (Pollock)
Joseph Keegan BS59
Robert Keen BA65
Susan Keenan BA67 MSE86 (Knight)
Michael Keenan BS68
Eugene Kehoe BA58
Rachel Kelleher (Shaner)
Douglas Keller
William Keller BA56
Elizabeth Kelley
Christopher Kelly
Kevin Kelly
A. Karen Kelly BA54
Robert Kelly BA57
Diann Kelly BS57 (Steyaart)
Patricia Kelly BS62 MA72
Barbara Kelly BS64 (Buckwalter)
Alexander Kelly BS70
Dolly Kelly DPL51 BS55 (McFadden)
Mary Kelly DPL59 BS59 (McGinn)
Harold Kelso BS56
Kenneth Kemp
Robert Kemp BA55
Wilna Kemperman (Ypma)
Carol Kendall BA61 (Major)
Geraldine Kendall BS54 (Begier)
Jesse Kennedy (Kennedy)
Martin Kennedy BA60
John Kennedy BA67
Daniel Kennelly BS66
Harris Kenner BA56
Andrew Kent
Christopher Kent (Kent)
Gavin Kent
Gary Kent BA57
Nancy Kent BS67 EDD88
Ronald Kenward b63
Alice Kenyon
Robert Kenyon BS56
Alvin Kenyon BS58

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.