In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

George Morrison (Morrison)
Charles Morrison BA56 MA60
Frances Morrison BS54
Carol Morrison BS61 (Balch)
Martin Morrissey BA72
Robert Morse BA62
Cynthia Morse BS54
Theodore Morse BS62
Robert Mortell BA68
Thomas Mortillaro BS71 PHD81
Theodore Morton BS54
William Moses BA61
Joan Moses BS55 BS56 (Abel)
James Mosher BA64
Vance Mosher BS62
O. Jane Mosher BS70
Volney Mosher BS70
Roberta Moskowitz BA73
Arnold Moss b62
Helen Moss BA61 (Bach)
Mona Moss BA70
Lawrence Mott BS61
Francis Moulin
James Mourer BS64
Elizabeth Mouw
Brenda Mowry (Reeves)
James Moyer BS66
Kathleen Moyse
Oleh Mudryj BA71
Richard Mueller BS69
James Muir BS63
Lynda Muir BS64 (Bailey)
David Muirhead BA57
Patricia Muirhead BS56 (Devine)
Cynthia Mulder BS62 (Smith)
James Mullen
Joseph Mullhaupt BS54
John Mulligan BS55
Ronald Mullis
Giuseppe Multari BS59
Ann Mulvey BS55 (Marshall)
Robert Mumford BA57
Nancy Munzert BS58 (Taskett)
Joenne Murano BA54 (Piatt)
Ann Murphy
John Murphy
June Murphy
Sean Murphy
Jacqueline Murphy BA54 (Smith)
Richard Murphy BA59
Douglas Murphy BA67
Linda Murphy BA72 MD77 (Buckhout)
Daniel Murphy BS54
Gail Murphy BS54 (Hill)
Kathleen Murray
Michael Murray
Mimi Murray (Sinopoli)
John Murray BA60
Suzanne Murray BA60 (Parker)
Amelia Murray BS54 (Wilson)
Joseph Murray BS57
James Murray BS61
William Murray BS66 MS69
Donald Murrell BA63
Bruce Murtha BS54
Eric Musa BA57
Gordon Musclow
Clarence Musgrave BA55
Violet Muto BS68 (Frank)
Richard Muzdakis BS55
Keeley Myers
Sallie Myers
John Myhill BA66
James Myles BA68
Casimir Mytych BS61
James Naccarella BA57
Edith Nacman (Greenberg)
Perry Nadig (Nadig)
Sandra Naehrig-Dunfield BA65
Robert Nagel BS56
Richard Nageotte BS58
John Nagy BS68
Ashar Najmi
Gretchen Nakayama (Protzman)
Malcolm Nanes BA54 PP98
Carole Nary BS64 MA69 (Jolley)
Elizabeth Nash
Doris Nash BS55
Edward Nathan
Paul Nauert
Robert Naughton BS67
Paul Naum
Walter Naumann BS63
Marcia Nauratil BS73 (Siebert)
Henry Navas BS71
Thomas Naylon BS54
Angela Nazzaro BS71
Sandra Neal BS69 (Crust)
J. Michael Neander BA72
Geoffrey Nearing BA66

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.