In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Robert Neary BS60
Bernard Neary BS62
Suzanne Neckers b60 (Evans)
Carl Needles BA56 MD60
John Neel BA73
Gail Neeley BS73 (Roth)
Leon Neese BS55 MA57
Douglas Neft
David Neiger BA68
Robert Neilson BS56
Isabel Neilson BS58
Judith Neimanis BS60 (Johnson)
Sylvia Nelson BA55 (Buddenhagen)
Fred Nelson BA58
Karl Nelson BA59
Nancy Nelson BA60 (Gould)
David Nelson BA68
Susan Nelson BA68
Esther Nelson BA73 (Lehrer)
Roger Nelson BS60
Mary Nerwin BA63 (Chambers)
John Nesbitt BS55
Earnest Ness BA57
Robert Nettnin BS61
Frederick Neuman BA61
Paula Neustat BA70
David Neville (Neville)
Richard Newman BS60
John Nicastro BS65
Anne Nicholas
Elizabeth Nicholas b55 (Thomps)
G. Wayne Nichols
George Nichols BA57
Joyce Nichols BS56 (Spencer)
Lester Nichols BS56
Robert Nichols BS57
Stephen Nicholson
Karen Nicholson-Paine BA68
William Nichthauser BA60
Anne Nicol BA55 MS77 (Wilder)
Richard Nicoletti BS63
James Nicoll BA59
Mary Nicoll BA65 (Versprille)
Carol Nielsen BA62 (Riesz)
Charles Nielsen BS60
Ruth Nielson BS57 (Miller)
Robert Niermeyer b57
Shirley Niggli BS58 (Davidson)
Renee Niles
Alexandra Nilsson BA58 (Roboz)
Darryl Nishimura
Richard Niswander BA72
Carol Niznik BS69 MS72
Maria Nizza (Dario)
Judith Noakes BS60
James Nobes BS58
Barbara Noble BA62
Robert Noessner BS66
Jay Nogi BA68
Amy Norman BA73
Elizabeth Norod BS62 MS63 EDD71 (Frashure)
Sandy Norris BA55
Stuart Norris BA55
Carol Norris BS54 (Rice)
Virginia Norris BS55 (King)
Louise Norris BS64 (Kelly)
Lottie North BS62 (Neal)
Elizabeth Norton (McCandless)
Mary Norton
Arden Norton BS57
H. David Norton BS65
Robert Norton BS68
Timothy Nostrant BA69
David Nothnagle
Jocelyn Notz BS58 (Bull)
Carol Novack BA69
Ronald Novak BS71
Marilyn Nowak BS60 (Rowley)
Mary Nowatka BA63 (Seiler)
Edmund Nugent BA64
Mark Nunge
Barbara Nunnari BS58 (Wilson)
Sanford Nusbaum BA56
Alphonso Nuzzo BS56
John Nye (Nye)
Jeffrey Nylund
Timothy O'Brien
Peter O'Brien BA54
Garrett O'Brien BA56
John O'Brien BA56
Philip O'Brien BA57
Susan O'Brien BA57 (Skehan)
Suzanne O'Brien BA59 (Jagel)
Jean O'Brien BS54 (Durfey)
Robert O'Brien BS58
Daniel O'Brien BS67
Roy O'Connell BS65
Robert O'Connor BS63
Joseph O'Donnell BS62
Ruth O'Gawa BS55 (Gerber)

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.