In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Joyce Petz BA57 (Tolf)
Gary Pfeiffer BS61
Jane Phelps b57 (Portman)
David Phelps BA57
Mary Philbrick BS60 (Armstrong)
Richard Philipson BA68
Jerry Phillips
Nancy Phillips
Ruthellen Phillips BA62 (Brainard)
Harold Phillips BS64
Gordon Phillips BS69 EDM73
Madeline Phillips BS71
Stephen Phinney BS64
Lenore Phipps BS68 MS76 (Bolling)
Marigrace Piane BS60 (Marasco)
Flynn Picardal BA72
Gerald Pickens BS61
Steven Pieper BS65
Gerald Pierce b54
Richard Pierce BA59
David Pierleoni
Maryann Pierleoni DPL59 BS59
Robert Pierson BS58
Fay Piester BS62 PP98
Gerald Pieters BA60
John Pietropaoli (Pietropaoli)
Nancy Pike BS63 (Snyder)
Carol Pilati BA65 MA67 (Rudman)
Robert Pilcher BA55
Laura Pilchik
George Pilkey BA62 MA63
Jeremy Pingleton BA54
Elroy Pinkeney b72
Walter Pinsker BA54
Martin Pinsley BA66
Richard Pio BA72
James Piper BS73
Joseph Pisani BS62
William Pitt BA55 MA59
Jay Pivor
Robert Place BS54
Marylynn Placet
Shirley Platt BA56
Toby Plevin BA69
Ira Plotkin BA64
Christine Plummer
Norman Plyter BA60 MS62
Marjorie Plyter BS57 (Verbridge)
Marvin Podgor BA73
Stephen Pohlig
Rita Polak BS59 MA62 (North)
Zachary Polansky
Pamela Polashenski (Delp)
Raymond Polca BS69
Virginia Polgrean BS56 BS57 (Myers)
Mildred Polhill BS59 MA64 (Gormel)
Marilyn Poling BS61 (McGinn)
James Polizotto BA58
Jonathan Pollack BA56 PP90
Frank Pollatta BS64
Harvey Pollicove BS73
Norman Pollock b58
Marion Polon BA67
Martin Polonsky BA68
Martin Pommerenke BS71
Mark Pomponio
Bruce Popper
Alice Porter BA54 (Andrews)
Henry Porter BS57
Gordon Porter BS72
Jeffrey Portnoy BS70
Leonard Poryles BS58
Robert Posner BA73
Robert Poss BA68
Mary Posten BA65
Amelia Potote
Johanne Pouliot BA57
Eugenia Poulos BA58 (Kansas)
Sean Powell
Fay Powell BA54 (Seeley)
Gary Powell BA71
Wesley Power BA62
Jean Powers BS54
Doreen Pragel BS53 BS54 (Mahaney)
Heino Prahl BA56
Helmut Prahl BS54
David Pratt
John Pratt BA54
Kathleen Pratt BS63 (Richardson)
Sarah Preiser
Gary Preiser BS66
Ronald Premo BS68
Sonya Presberg (Balkin)
Danny Presicci
Suzanne Presser (Shapiro)
Thomas Pretlow (Pretlow)
Thomas Prevost
William Price BA58
Margaret Price BA71
Kitty Priebe BA69 (Fox)

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.