In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Leslie Prigerson BA56
Adrian Prince BS63
Constance Principe BS72
Joseph Prinzi BS61
Nicholas Priore
Norman Proller BA69
James Proper
Richard Proseus BS60
Casimer Pruce BS59
Hendrick Pruyn BA56
Yaromyr Pryjmak
Edward Przybycien BA58 MA62
David Publow BA61 RES73
Paul Puccio BS69
Michael Puleo b68
Laura Pullen BS54 (Hickman)
Howard Pulver BS65
Barbaralee Purcell BA62 (Toneatti)
Kathleen Putnam BS68 (Hansen)
Dolorous Pyke BS54 (Greenhalgh)
Laura Pyne
Julie Rae Pyrek BS70 (Andersen)
Dimitri Pyrros
Everett Quackenbush BS55
Edwin Quagliana BS59
Barbara Quarmby BA65 (Fairchild)
Robert Quiana BS56
Steven Quick
Joanne Quigley BS59
Carol Quinn BA55 PP89 (Brautigam)
Douglas Quinney BA68
Eleanor Raak BS58
Walter Rabinoff BS66
Carol Raethka BA58 (Garomon)
Charles Raetz BS62
John Rafferty BA63
Kathryn Raftery BS72
John Ragan BS71
Donna Rahr BS58 (Magee)
Bruce Rahtjen BA55
Fredlynn Raicus BA71
Ayton Ramirez BS69
Ronald Ramos BA62
Richard Rampson BS54
George Ramsey BS55
Thomas Randall BS55
John Randall BS56
Marilyn Randall BS57 (Shepard)
Marianne Randall DPL59 BS59 (Moore)
George Randels BA64
Richard Randles BS67 MS70
Laine Randmere BA62 (Turu)
Matthew Randy
Joseph Ranelli BA64
Susannah Rank BS63 (Mallery)
Ronald Rankin BS57
Adelbert Ransom BA56
Benjamin Raphan BA59
Isadore Rapkin BS57
Barry Rapoport
Joyce Rapp (Weidner)
Mary Rapp * BA71 MA79
Ellen Rappaport BA66 (Coolman)
Louis Rappaport BA66
James Raschko
Thomas Ratliff
Sophie Ravin BA56 MA68 (Brody)
Christine Rawlins
Philip Ray BA61
Julia Rayhill BS54 BS55 (Corrigan)
Ruth Reading BS55 BS56 (Wiggin)
Patricia Reagan BS64
Saundra Reagor BS62 (Neal)
John Record
Edward Record BA56
Jonelle Redhead
Lorraine Redinger BA70
Wayne Redline (Redline)
Helen Redman BA57
Janet Redmond BA68 (Odell)
Thomas Reed
Constance Reed b63 (Higby)
Carol Reed BA54 (Miller)
Rodney Reed BA66
Donald Reed BS55
James Reed BS61 PHD66
Dolores Reedy DPL59 (Farnella)
James Rees BS57 MS65
Seth Reice BA68
Jeffrey Reichenthal
David Reichert BA60 EDM71 EDD74
Gordon Reid (Reid)
Richard Reid BA61
Bertrand Reif BA72
Mary Reiffenstein BS57 (Mullen)
William Reilly
Jane Reilly BS53 BS54 (Tector)
Carol Reilly BS61 (Penhollow)
Gunars Reimanis BA55 PHD60 PP90
Ivars Reimanis BS59

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.