In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Rita Reimanis BS60 (Melkis)
John Rein BS73 MS76
Ursula Reiners BS72
Stacey Reines
Leanora Reiser BA56 (Shank)
Harry Reiss BS61
Lawrence Reister BS70
Kenneth Reitz BS55
Henry Remet BA63
Claire Remington (Shay)
John Renaldo BA59
Johanne Renbeck BA64 (Chandler)
Frank Renzi
Richard Renzi
James Repsher BS71
Ernest Resner BS58
Lynn Retik BS57 (Barber)
Richard Reulbach BS65
William Reynolds
Daniel Reynolds BA65
Charles Reynolds BS59
Robert Reynolds BS71
Elinor Reynolds BS72 (Veeder)
Richard Rhodes
Brenda Rhodes BA73
Charles Ricard BS64
Donald Rice BA54
Robert Rice BA57
Sallyann Rice BS55 BS58 (Reed)
David Rich
Nelson Rich BA68
Jane Richard BS55 BS65
H. Norman Richardson (Richardson)
Joan Richardson (Grose)
Jon Richardson BA60
David Richardson BA66
Jean Richart BA56 (Williamson)
Kenneth Richmond (Richmond)
Daniel Richter
Joyce Ricker BA54 (Maxwell)
Thomas Rickert BA54
Peter Rickert BA57
Mark Rider BA69 PP94
Dale Rider BS67
Ann Rider BS71 (Connell)
William Riedesel BA68
Ernst Riedl BS63
Mary Ellen Riegel (Riegel)
Tina Rieger b65 (Grossman)
Curt Ries (Ries)
Genevieve Ries BA54
Frederick Riester BS65
Katherine Riley BA56 (Baker)
Albert Rinaldo b70
John Rinaldo BS70
Joseph Rinere BS61
Susan Ringle BA61 (Edelman)
Robert Riordan BS55
Mary Riordan BS63 (Madden)
James Ripton BA57
Patricia Rise BA62 (Donofrio)
Andrew Riseberg
Hugh Risley BS58
Stuart Ritchings BA67
David Rittenhouse BA73
Joachim Ritter
George Ritter BA67
David Rittinger BS65
Alfred Rittler BS70
Richard Rivello BA64
Elizabeth Rivkin BS68 EDM74
Regine Roache (Cadet)
Roger Robach BS66
Carl Robbins
David Robbins BA61
Jeffrey Robbins BA72
Robert Robbins BS65
Leonard Roberts
William Roberts BA65
Richard Roberts BA68
Harry Roberts BS54
Richard Roberts BS56
David Roberts BS58
John Robertson BS61
Harry Robie BA56
Ruth Robin BA72 (Rosenthal)
Matthew Robinson
Nancy Robinson (Morse)
Linda Robinson b57
John Robinson BA54
Frederick Robinson BA58
Sandra Robinson BA63 (Fogg)
William Robinson BS56
Barry Robinson BS57
Theodore Robinson BS58 MS61 MS80
Martin Robinson BS60
William Robinson BS61
William Roblin BA66
Cynthia Robson BA59 (Palabay)
Frank Roche BA71

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.