Page 4 - School of Nursing | University of Rochester
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         Fast facts                                                The University of Rochester School of

                      We rank 22nd among nursing                   Nursing was built on the pioneering
                      schools in research funding                  concept of unifying nursing education,
                      received from the National                   research, and practice. Today, that
                      Institutes of Health.
                                                                   tradition is infused with technology,
                                                                   while maintaining a clear focus on
                      More than 80 percent of our                  patients, families, and the well-being
                      clinical faculty, including Dean
                      Kathy Rideout, actively practice             of our communities. This expansion
                      in the nursing field.                        will help us to remain a leader in
                                                                   workforce development and meet the

                      Our students complete 700                    ever-growing need for nurses.
                      clinical hours and 90 lab hours
                      in our 12-month APNN program,                —KATHY H. RIDEOUT, EDD, PPCNP-BC, FNAP
                      more than most baccalaureate                 Vice president,
                      programs.                                    University of Rochester Medical Center
                                                                   Dean and professor of clinical nursing,
                                                                   School of Nursing
                      We rank 26th in the 2021 Best                Pediatric advanced practice nurse,
                      Graduate Schools guide produced              Golisano Children’s Hospital
                      by U.S. News and World Report.

                                                                   For more information on supporting the expansion
                                                                   project and available naming opportunities, please
                                                                   contact Andrea Allen, director of advancement and
                                                                   alumni relations, at

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