Page 19 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue No. 3 - Summer 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 19

The Harrison family with Dr. Korones, celebrating the
           conclusion of Jack's chemotherapy treatment in 2019.

           Although Jack loves performing, someday he
           wants to be a nurse. “I want to help kids like me,
           just like my nurses did,” he says. Sara reflects
           on the impact of Jack’s health care team on
           their family. “Each week, while Eric and I waited
           for Jack to finish his three-hour treatment, the
           Golisano team was there for us, answering our
           questions, holding our hands—they became part   “  I want to help
           of our family,” she says. “We felt loved. Golisano   kids like me, just like
           got us all through this.”
                                                             my nurses did.              “
           She adds, “After coming out on the other side
           of cancer, I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore.   —JACK HARRISON
           Jack is healthy and happy, and he lights up
           every room with his big smile. What could be
           better than that?”                                MORE ABOUT MIRACLE KID JACK

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