Page 3 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue #5 Summer 2023 | University of Rochester
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Grace Snyder ’25 rides the Sizzler at
    Dandelion Day during Springfest Weekend.
    Photo by J. Adam Fenster

                  DEAR READER,
                  Over the past few months, we’ve been busy celebrating traditions, marking
                  milestones, and connecting with the University of Rochester community. Our students
                  celebrated Dandelion Day, families came together for Commencement, and the
                  University completed another successful year.

                  As we move forward, there are more chances to connect. This summer, we'll host
                  many welcome events for new students. Then, in the coming months, we'll hold
                  lectures, programs big and small, networking receptions, and community service days
                  for our broad community. Additionally, Meliora Weekend will take place this fall, and
                  we're hoping to see many of you there. We'll also meet with alumni to get feedback on
                  the University's new strategic plan, Boundless Possibility.

                  This issue of Buzz features outstanding alumni who embody the Meliora spirit, tips and
                  ideas from our experts, and resources for you to enjoy. We hope that the stories and
                  photos included in this issue will fill you with pride, inspire meaningful connections,
                  and stir up a sense of nostalgia.

                  On behalf of the University, thank you for your ongoing support and commitment.
                  Enjoy the summer!

                  Thomas J. Farrell ’88, ’90W (MS)
                  Senior Vice President for University Advancement

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