Fast Forward: The University of Rochester Advancement E-Newsletter

December 22, 2008

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Values and Action

portrait of Jim Thompson

“No nation has the root of greatness in it, unless in time of need it can rise to the heroic.”
— Teddy Roosevelt

As you reflect on the events of 2008, I hope you take pride in all we have accomplished together. We are privileged to be part of a growing community united in our service to one of the world’s great research universities. Recent months have been filled with uncertainty, but we have much to be grateful for as we look back on the past year and much to be optimistic about as we look to the future.

I want to express my deepest personal gratitude to all of the trustees, donors, volunteers, alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends who have been our partners throughout the year. Thanks to your efforts and commitment, people are excited about the University of Rochester, and they want to be involved. Let me also send my heartfelt thanks to the entire Advancement team for your continued hard work and dedication. Working together, we have made important strides to help move this great institution forward.

Please enjoy the following photo gallery of our highlights from 2008. I am confident we will celebrate even more success and reach new heights in the years ahead.

Best wishes for the holidays and New Year!


James D. Thompson
Senior Vice President
Chief Advancement Officer

Year in Review: Photo Highlights from 2008

Click Image Below to Begin Slideshow


Fast Forward Archive

December 4, 2008
October 21, 2008
October 1, 2008
July 28, 2008
June 20, 2008