New Student Forms

These required forms will help both you and your academic advisor(s) better understand your interests and goals for your time at the University of Rochester. Use the instructions below to help you complete both forms by the deadlines provided.

Academic Interests Form

Due: June 14

Please complete the following form to tell the advising team more about yourself and your interests as you begin your academic journey at the University of Rochester. If you have any questions about the form fields, please contact the College Center for Advising Services at

Note: If you were unable to complete the form by the deadline or have changes to your form responses after submitting, you will be able discuss any updates to your academic plans with your advisor(s) over the summer.

How to find the form
  1. Log into your MyROC account.
  2. Locate the Academic Interests Form under the Required Forms for Enrolled Students heading.
  3. Click the form title to begin.

Log into MyROC

Form tips and instructions

Section: General Information

  • The First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, and Personal Email Address fields will all pre-populate with the information currently stored in your MyROC account. Please review this information to ensure it is accurate.
    • If your first or last name, or date of birth needs to be updated or corrected, please contact Admissions at
    • If your email address needs to be updated, you can do so using the Change Email Address tool listed under Account Tools on your MyROC dashboard.
      • Please note: your Personal Email Address will display as the email address you used to create your MyROC account and/or submit your application. This will be used by the orientation team to send you an initial email communication in mid-May. After that, the Orientation team and all other University offices will use your Rochester email address for all further email communications.
  • Answer the rest of the questions in this section, as they are all required.

Section: Areas of Academic Interest

  • You only need to complete one of the three Intended Major fields, but we encourage you to complete all three if you have additional programs of study that you are interested in. If you have more than three programs of study that you're interested in, please include them when answering the What are your principal academic interests? question.
  • Use the major/minor search tool to learn more about the specific programs of study. Make sure to use the following filters to get a comprehensive list of available majors:
    • Under Degree Type, check Undergraduate.
    • Under Program Type, check Major.

Section: Getting to Know You

This section features additional questions to help your academic advisor(s) get to know you better. While this section is optional, we encourage you to complete all the questions, as this information will help you and your advisor(s) make the most out of your upcoming advising discussions.

After you submit the form

The advising team will begin matching you with your academic advisor(s) based on your areas of academic interest and intended program(s) of study. Your academic advisor(s) will begin reaching out to you directly after the Independence Day (July 4) holiday to start discussing your first-semester course options and goals.

You can best prepare for this communication and discussion by reviewing the Explore Courses section of this website and completing the Course Planning Form by mid-July.

Course Planning Form

Due: Before you meet with your academic advisor(s)

As part of academic advising process, we ask that you complete this form to begin identifying what classes you are interested in taking during your first semester at the University of Rochester. If you have any questions with regards to the content of this page, please contact the College Center for Advising Services at

How to find the form
  1. Log into your MyROC account.
  2. Locate the Course Planning Form under the Required Forms for Enrolled Students heading.
  3. Click the form title to begin.

Log into MyROC

After you submit the form

A copy of your form will be made available to your academic advisor(s) after your submission so they can review your responses before you connect with them to discuss your first semester's courses. However, please make sure to have a copy of your form responses available during the discussion(s) for your own reference.

How to complete the form

Section: General Information

The First Name, Last Name, and Personal Email Address fields will all pre-populate with the information currently stored in your MyROC account. Please review this information to ensure it is accurate.

  • If your first or last name needs to be updated or corrected, please contact Admissions at
  • If your email address needs to be updated, you can do so using the Change Email Address tool listed under Account Tools on your MyROC dashboard.
    • Please note: your Personal Email Address will display as the email address you used to create your MyROC account and/or submit your application. This will be used by the orientation team to send you an initial email communication in mid-May. After that, the Orientation team and all other University offices will use your Rochester email address for all further email communications.
Section: My First-Semester Course Interests

Use the following pages of this website to thoroughly review all your course options, as well as advice from academic departments and the College Center for Advising Services:

Please fill out course options for all six fields. To complete a field, simply write the Course Number (e.g. CHEM 131) and the Course Title (e.g. Chm Concpts, Syst, Pract I). Even if the course you are interested in has multiple sections, you do not need to include a specific course section at the time you complete this form.

Section: Secondary School Exam Credits

In this section, you will record your scores (or estimated scores) from the following secondary school exams and/or courses to help your advisor(s) better understand what credits you may be able to transfer in or courses you may be eligible to take in your first semester:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
  • A-Level Exams
  • Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exams (CAPE)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Program

To complete this section:

  1. Record any AP or IB exam scores (or estimated scores) in the form fields.
  2. Then, using the AP and IB placement information charts on the College Center for Advising Services website, copy and paste the appropriate placement information next the corresponding exam score.
  3. If you have completed A-Level exams or CAPE, please list those exams and scores (or estimated scores) in the Additional Exam Scores text box at the bottom of the section.

Learn more about transfer credits by exam on the Placement by Examination page.

Section: College Coursework Credits

In this section, please record any university/college-level courses that you have completed at other higher education institutions. This will help your advisor(s) better understand what credits you may be able to transfer in or courses you may be eligible to take in your first semester.

To complete this section:

  1. List the colleges and/or universities at which you've taken coursework.
  2. List all course(s) that you completed at that college or university.

Learn more about transfer credits by coursework on the Placement by Previous Coursework page.

Section: Save and Submit

Before you submit your form, we highly encourage you to save this page as a PDF so that you can reference your answers during your meetings and discussion with your academic advisor(s).

To save your form as a PDF:

  1. On the menu bar of your web browser, select File and then Print.
  2. Based on your web browser and/or computer's operating system, locate the option to Save File as PDF or Open PDF.
  3. If you select Open PDF, you then need to select File and Export as PDF from the menu bar to save your form as a PDF on your computer.

If you have any additional comments or questions for your academic advisor(s), please include them in the text box at the bottom of this section.