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Micah Greenberg

Rob Rouzer Award for Excellence in Student Government Leadership

Lara Andree

Presented by Anne-Marie Algier, Associate Dean of Students

In my role of Associate Dean of Students I have the pleasure of serving as an advisor for student government. The students involved in this amazing organization are committed to advocating on behalf of students and improving campus life. The winner of the Rob Rouzer Award for Excellence in Student Government Leadership goes above and beyond the typical member and truly does outstanding work. This year’s winner is Micah Greenberg.

Micah is a Class of 2021 Dean’s List student majoring in political science. He has been involved in student government since his first year on campus. He was willing to take on the thankless role of Election Coordinator; which he did for two years. This position requires setting the election calendar, leading interest meetings, interacting with all the candidates, and managing the many rules violations. According to his nominator, Laura Ballou: “Micah would turn into the most reliable and professional elections coordinator that I have worked with in my over 15 years overseeing the election process”. He also served as the Chair of the Election and Rules Committee which was a mostly behind the scenes role requiring attention to detail and the ability to interpret complex processes. Micah managed to navigate this successfully and helped bring changes benefiting the organization for years to come.

This past year Micah served as Speaker of the Senate. This leadership position is intense and involves working closely with the other branches of the government to best serve the student body. Many challenging issues always surface and the speaker must help keep people calm and committed to the best course of action. Micah has excelled in the role. I have enjoyed working with him and watching him nurture the younger members of SA. He himself notes in his application that he most enjoys helping his fellow students: “My favorite part of being Speaker is overseeing the people in SA. Since I joined, student government has been my family. I work to foster an environment where everyone feels included, productive, and cared for, which both enhances the experience of student government and makes us a more effective organization”.

Speaker Greenberg went above and beyond the requirements of his position and attended extra meetings so he could best get a sense of the whole organization. He listened carefully to others and waited until he heard many opinions before forming his own. His peers trust his judgment and respect his work ethic. Student government is a much stronger organization having Micah involved over the past three years. He is an intelligent, capable, dedicated young man and highly deserving of the special honor of the Rob Rouzer Award for Excellence in Student Government Leadership.


About the Award

Established in honor of his 28 years of service to the University of Rochester, the Rob Rouzer Award is conferred annually to a River Campus student affiliated with any of the three branches of the Students' Association Government who has shown immense integrity and perseverance in striving to improve student life and welfare.