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Svarina Karwanyun

Award for Campus Contributions

Svarina Karwanyun

Presented by Laura Ballou, Assistant Dean of Student Life Operations

My name is Laura Ballou and I am the Assistant Dean of Student Life Operations. In addition to working on campus for the past 18 years, I am also an alum, class of ’97. I am honored to present the Award for Campus Contributions to our senior recipient, Svarina Karwanyun. Svarina is an international student who is a double major in Econometrics and Quantitative Economics and Film and Media Studies.

Over the past four years, Svarina has made many positive contributions to our campus. Many of her efforts have focused on campus traditions - improving ways these traditions can have an impact on the current students, figuring out ways to transition information about these traditions to future student leaders, and creating a visual archive of traditions for future generations of students and alum. Boar’s Head Dinner…Yellowjacket Weekend…Dandelion Day…These are three traditions that are known to campus that Svarina has played a leadership role in through her involvement with the Student Programming Board. When she served as chair for each of these major events, she not only made sure they were successful, she also worked tirelessly to make sure these events were more inclusive. Svarina has advocated for more halal and vegan options at the Boar’s Head Dinner and invited student organizations to set up activities during the Yellowjacket Weekend carnival. As her recommender, Jennelle Hart, noted, “She yearned to create experiences for the community that were monumental and memorable, experiences that would shape the undergraduate experiences of her peers. These traditions are some of the most important events we have - celebrating the beginning and ending of the academic year, affecting retention and sense of belonging - and Svarina made them successful.”

Svarina is someone who can identify a need and use her creativity to propose a solution whether it be a rain plan for Dandelion Day or creating a video for student government. Svarina served as the Executive Director of Public Relations for the Students’ Association Government and not only helped to redesign their website, but also created an informational video to explain the structure of student government to the student body. Through her student government role, she also created a video about the CARE Network, highlighting the positive impact CARE has had on students to try and reduce stigmas associated with this campus resource.

Through her student employment, Svarina has enhanced campus life through her willingness to share her video and graphic skills. As an employee in Wilson Commons Student Activities, she has helped our department increase our social media presence and created multiple marketing pieces for community building events and student life spaces. Through her employment in the Athletics department, she assisted with live streaming events so that parents and alum have easier access to the games. She also created highlights videos for many of the teams using content she has captured during the games. Svarina has taken advantage of so many opportunities offered by the UR including serving as a TA, RA and studying abroad. She has also served as a spokesperson for the EPA Internships Abroad office.

One of the remarkable things about Svarina is her ability to light up the room with her smile and enthusiasm. You cannot help coming away from interacting with her feeling more excited and passionate about whatever project she might have shared with you or whatever idea you have shared with her that she has seen how to take it to the next level. Her energy is infectious! Our campus has benefited in a multitude of ways from Svarina’s efforts and we are truly thankful for everything she has done. Her efforts did not just produce short-term results, but will benefit many future generations of students.

Congratulations, Svarina!

About the Award

The Award for Campus Contributions is given to a student who has made significant contributions to the University community, including campus life, academic achievement and leadership, and community service. The award winner will have promoted and demonstrated excellence in all aspects of their college experience. Two awards will be given: one to a senior, and one to a junior.