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Minimum Wage for Student Employees to Be Raised to $15 Per Hour

Effective December 26, the minimum wage for student employees will be raised to $15 per hour. This increase affects all students—undergraduate and graduate—and brings these workers in line with the minimum wage increase for staff that was announced in November. “Our student employees are valued colleagues,” said Interim Provost Sarah Peyre. “Their contributions are essential to the operations of many departments, labs, and other units across the campus, and the work they do is remarkable given that they must balance their campus jobs with classes, extracurriculars, and other responsibilities.” Student employees will see the results of this increase in their paychecks in the final pay period of 2021.

Procedures for Leaving for Winter Break

All River Campus residents have received information from their RAs and their Area Offices regarding the process for the end of the semester. Please make sure that you follow all instructions regarding how to leave your room when you depart for winter break. Each residential area has slightly different procedures, so it’s important to review the information sent to you. Basic information is available here. Contact your RA, your graduate house advisor, or the Area Office that oversees your residence hall if you have questions.

Winter Stay Meal Support Available

Students who have registered to remain on campus for the full Winter Stay period and are currently receiving federal or institutional need-based grant support will receive funds to support dining during this period. This emergency grant funding is available as part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act through a third round of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund called the American Rescue Plan. This funding has been provided as a resource during the global pandemic but will not be available in future years. Support amounts will be awarded based on the level of financial need and will be added to your student account prior to Monday, December 20. The funds may be used to purchase declining or taken as a refund.

Students living off-campus who need support for meals during the break period should submit a request to the Basic Needs Hub by Friday, December 17. The on-campus Food Pantry will also be available as a resource for students during break.

Eligible Students Strongly Encouraged to Get Vaccine Booster over Winter Break

University officials continue to strongly recommend that eligible students receive a booster vaccination before the start of the spring semester and advise that winter break might be the best time to do this.

While it is not a current University requirement for enrolled students to receive the booster shot, it is anticipated that at some point in the spring semester it may become a mandate. Therefore, eligible students getting the booster over winter break will ensure their compliance with a possible future student requirement, receive additional protection against getting COVID, and not have to worry about getting the shot during the busy academic year. For students staying on campus for winter break, the Medical Center is working on ways to provide the booster to those who are eligible, and more details will be communicated about these opportunities and included on the COVID-19 Resource Center. Find additional details on the student recommendation.

Winter Stay Newsletter, Activities

If you’re registered for Winter Stay housing or plan on staying in Rochester over winter break, subscribe to the Winter Stay newsletter to get the latest updates on dining, events, and student support.

You can also join Wilson Commons Student Activities for free food, crafts, movies, Medallion workshops, and more during Winter Stay. Check events on CCC and follow on Instagram and Facebook for updates. Plus, find community with other Yellowjackets staying on campus through the Winter Stay Facebook group.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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