Page 4 - Fall 2020 Rochester Athletics Newsletter | University of Rochester
P. 4

A field hockey legend:

       Nancy Melvin

       Taylor ’86N

        Help Rochester Athletics             Washington, D.C. They married in 1996   teammates were inspired by her quiet
        honor her memory                     and Kip, a lieutenant colonel in the Army,   but vibrant enthusiasm.”
                                             went to work every day at the Pentagon.
        Nancy Melvin Taylor ’86N was the                                          Just three weeks before Nancy died, she
        University of Rochester’s first All-  Everything changed, though, on      was inducted into Rochester’s Athletics
        American in field hockey. For many years,   September 11, 2001, when American   Hall of Fame. Family members and close
        she held school records for the most   Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the   friends were present. Many of her college
        goals in a single season (17) and the   Pentagon—killing Kip and 124 others.   teammates and fellow players from her
        most career goals (50). She also served   Nancy was pregnant at the time, with the   high school days also came.
        as the team’s cocaptain for two years.   couple’s second child. Four months after   In honor of Nancy and her dedication to
        Nancy worked hard off the field, too, as a   her husband died, she was diagnosed   Rochester athletics and her lively spirit,
        dedicated nursing student.           with Stage 4 breast cancer. After a long   the University has launched an effort to
                                             battle, she died in November 2003 at   name the field hockey locker room after
        Nancy was a lot of fun, recalls her friend,
                                             the age of 39, leaving behind two young   her.
        teammate, and cocaptain, Christine Joor
                                             sons. That December, Nancy was buried
        Mitchell ’86. “I remember that she would                                  “It’s a small way people can get involved
                                             alongside her husband at Arlington
        wear pinnies to parties—the ones that                                     to give Nancy the recognition she
                                             National Cemetery. Their boys, now 20
        we would wear during scrimmages. She                                      deserves,” adds Possee. “Nancy’s name
                                             and 18, are being raised by Kip’s brother
        made them fashionable. She’d also be                                      on that locker room can and should last
                                             and his wife.
        the first one to get a party going or rally                               forever, just like her legacy will.”
        us to go to one—she loved having a   “Nancy was a dynamic, skilled athlete   For more information or to support
        good time with her friends.”         who led by her expertise and instinctive
                                                                                  the locker naming project in honor of
        After graduating from Rochester,     knowledge of the game,” says Jane    Nancy Melvin Taylor, please contact
        Nancy met her future husband, Kip,   Possee, an administrator in the      Terry Gurnett ’77, associate director of
        while working in medical research in   Department of Athletics and Recreation   athletics.
                                             who was Nancy’s field hockey coach. “Her

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