Page 4 - Winter 2023 Rochester Athletics Newsletter | University of Rochester
P. 4


                                                                   Front row: Granddaughters Hera and Cora Hickton. Back row: Daughter
                                                                   Bridget, Dawne, son Declan, Dave, granddaughter Sophia, daughter-in-
       HICKTON ’79
                                                                   law Stephanie Leyva Hickton, and son Conor Hickton.

        This collegiate swimmer, business    the swim team. That team went on to   In appreciation of the experience their
        leader, competitive athlete, and     great success, too. It became the first   son had at Rochester, the Hicktons
        mom of six loves to learn, play,     women’s swimming team to ever score   recently made a significant gift to
        and compete—and support              an undefeated season.                support the golf team.
        men’s golf.
                                             After graduating from Rochester with
                                             degrees in English and political science,
        Dawne Sepanski Hickton ’79 learned
        to swim by jumping off the dock in her   Hickton earned a law degree from the
        family’s backyard. “We lived right on the   University of Pittsburgh. Since then,
        Niagara River so that’s what my brothers,   she has become a successful business
        sisters, and I did all summer long,” she   leader in the aerospace industry. Hickton
        says. Hickton spent her youth playing   is also the mom of six children. She and
        with her five siblings and participating   David, her husband of 38 years, both
        in various sports, including swimming.   come from large families. They planted
        Her peers even named her captain of   roots in the Pittsburgh area and raised
        their high school swim team—an early   their family there. Each one of their
        indicator of her leadership skills.   children is an athlete, too, including
                                             Declan, a Class of 2021 mechanical
        When it came time for college, Hickton   engineering major who excelled in the
        was excited to go to Rochester and join   classroom and on the golf team.

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