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P. 8

Qualified Charitable Distributions: Tax-Free Gifts

        from Retirement Accounts

        If you are 701/2 years of older, you are eligible to make a direct
        gift, known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), to the
        University of Rochester, tax-free.

           •  You must transfer funds directly from your IRA

           •  A gift “counts” toward your required minimum
             distribution (RMD)
           •  Gifts are limited to $100,000 annually per person (a married
             couple with separate IRAs could give up to $200,000 a year)

           •  Distributions can be made only from a traditional or
             Roth IRA
           •  A transfer is tax-free and is not included in your adjusted
             gross income and no charitable income tax deduction
             is allowed

           •  Gifts must be outright—transfers to donor-advised funds,
             supporting organizations, or private foundations do not qualify

        Secure Act 2.0: The Legacy IRA

        Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) may now be used to fund
        a life-income gift with certain limitations.

           •  One-time, one tax year, and limited to $50,000
           •  No charitable deduction

           •   Income is ordinary income

           •  Beneficiaries must be IRA owner or owner and spouse

        Learn more about this giving opportunity that became law
        January 1, 2023 by visiting
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