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Our students complete 700 clinical                       We are nationally recognized
                         hours and 90 lab hours in our 12-month                   as a Health Professions Higher
                         APNN program, more than most                             Education Excellence in
                         baccalaureate programs.                                  Diversity Award winner.

                         Our APNN students have come from 50
                         states and more than a dozen countries.                  We rank within the top 30
                         The percentages of male students,                        among nursing schools in
                         and other underrepresented groups in         TOP 30      research funding received from
                         nursing, have been increasing yearly.                    the National Institutes of Health.

                                                                                  Each year, immediately upon
                         More than 80 percent of our clinical                     graduating, the majority of our
                         faculty, including Dean Kathy Rideout,                   nearly 375 graduates enter the
                         actively practice in the nursing field.                  acute-care setting as bedside
                                                                                  nurses or nurse practitioners.

                   The University of Rochester School of Nursing has a long and rich tradition of innovation
                “ and vision. I am convinced that through our combined efforts, we will remain on the
                    leading edge of the increasingly complex and ever-changing sphere of health care. ”
                                           – Kathy H. Rideout, EdD, PPCNP-BC, FNAP
                     Vice President, University of Rochester Medical Center, Dean and Professor of Clinical Nursing, School of Nursing,
                                       Pediatric Advanced Practice Nurse, Golisano Children’s Hospital

         ABOUT THE SCHOOL                                        CONSIDER THIS

         •   For more than 90 years, we have offered a multitude of high-  •   Our interprofessional approach to education facilitates
             quality educational and research programs, preparing new   collaborations among our students and those in other health
             generations of nurses to meet the growing needs of patients   professions, researchers, and faculty to ensure the best patient
             and families in an increasingly complex and diverse health   care outcomes and to develop new models for future health
             care environment.                                      and patient care.
         •   Our unification model is a philosophical approach that   •   Our holistic admissions practices focus less on traditional
             integrates education, research, and practice, and empowers   academic metrics and more on identifying how students’
             nurses with knowledge, attitudes, and skills for leadership in   potential—their experiences, talents, and attributes—can
             professional practice and research.                    contribute to the School’s overall mission.

         •   We offer exceptional clinical services that address critical   •   The School’s proximity to the University’s River Campus,
             health needs and disparities through services such as our   Medical Center, and Strong Memorial Hospital promotes
             Center for Employee Wellness, Passport Health travel clinic,   collaboration, innovation, and important opportunities
             school-based health centers at two Rochester high schools,   for students to interact with top scientists and health care
             and the Western New York Comprehensive Care Center for   professionals.
             Eating Disorders.
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