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A Commitment to Supporting Stroke Care

         As a couple, Norman and Arlene Leenhouts were deeply   Their generosity also created the Leenhouts Family
         committed to advancing neuroscience and stroke care    Lectureship Fund in the Department of Neurosurgery,
         at URMC. They had a strong desire to help us develop   which focuses on stroke research, clinical care, and
         cutting-edge research and clinical programs to improve   recovery. Additionally, the Leenhoutses supported
         outcomes and reduce suffering in patients with stroke   the Joseph V. McDonald and Shige-Hisa Okawara
         and brain tumors.                                      Neurosurgical Resident Education Fund, the Department
                                                                of Neurosurgery Annual Fund, the Neurosurgery
         The Leenhoutses were generous supporters of the
         Department of Neurosurgery, and their impact will be   Neuroimaging Partnership, the Stroke Treatment
         felt in the Rochester community and beyond for many    Alliance of Rochester, as well as several other areas
         years to come. They established the Leenhouts Family   across the University.
         Endowment for Stroke Care and Recovery to support      Norman—who passed away in January 2017—was a
         research, clinical and educational programs.           University Life Trustee and served as honorary co-chair
                                                                of URMC’s Neuromedicine campaign for The Meliora
         They provided seed money for a pilot study aimed at
         maximizing neurological function after a brain         Challenge, the University’s comprehensive campaign
         lesion—through pre-surgical brain mapping—that         which concluded June 30, 2016. He received his
         ultimately led to millions of dollars in grant funding.   bachelor’s degree in 1956 from the University’s College
                                                                of Arts and Sciences.
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