Page 13 - Your Philanthropic Impact 2023 | George Eastman Circle | University of Rochester
P. 13


                   George Eastman Circle Volunteer Council

                   Thank you to all those who volunteer on behalf of the George Eastman Circle,

                   the University’s premier leadership annual giving society.

                   Evans Y. Lam ’83, ’84S (MBA)                       Daniel J. Mishel ’06
                   Gwen M. Greene ’65                                 Dr. Drew M. Mittelman ’68, P’05
                   Dr. Michael B. Blank ’80, P’20                     Heather L. Moynihan ’93, P’20
                   Nila S. Bragg ’88                                  Tom Murray ’82

                   Michael G. Dashefsky ’92, ’93 (MS)                 Mark W. Naso ’90
                   Robert W. Diaz ’98S (MBA)                          Harish Nataraj ’02
                   Michael J. Dymond ’13                              Mitchell S. Nussbaum ’90
                   Dr. Edward J. Fox ’91, ’95M (MD)                   Noah Pizmony-Levy Drezner ’00

                   Murali Ganti ’01S (MBA)                            Emma M. Pollock ’16
                   Sonali Ganti                                       Ralph Posner ’92
                   Robert F. Glowacky ’84, ’85M (MS)                  Elizabeth K. Puccianti ’95
                   Mark A. Graham ’96                                 Dr. Douglas D. Reh ’01M (MD)

                   Amanjot K. Grewal ’11, ’22S (MBA)                  Richard E. Rifelli ’74, ’77 (MS)
                   Matthew J. Hershfield ’15                          L. Gerald Rigby ’67
                   Derrick J. Hur ’07                                 William G. Robinson ’72, P’10
                   Dr. Liz A. Jennison ’83, ’87M (MD), ’88M (Res)     Suzanne R. Sawada ’73

                   Christopher Johnston ’04, ’06S (MBA)               COL John P. Storz, DMD ’74
                   Tyler D. Kieft ’09                                 Dr. Kelly C. Thome ’86, P’20, P’22
                   Nicholas W. Lennon ’06                             Peter L. Tyor ’66
                   Alvin J. Lomibao ’09, ’13 (MS)                     Bo Wang ’10

                   Dr. Caesar Luo ’01, ’06M (MD)                      Liz Wilson ’05M (MS), ’09M (PhD)
                   Carol Lustenader ’82S (MBA)                        Di Wu ’94, ’95 (MS)
                   Matthew Maj ’15                                    Mark S. Zaid ’89
                   Michelle F. Mattick ’04S (MBA)

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